Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A cursory overview of black arts in Operation Stargate/MKULTRA

A predecessor in the black arts and "black ops"* to Uri Geller in Operation Stargate is John Mulholland, of MK-ULTRA. He wrote, under the CIA's employ, "The CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception", which I understand is about slipping people LSD and such like. He was a good friend of intelligence agent Howard Thurston, who was Dr. William Sadler's partner in debunking parlor room tricks for a while before Sadler wrote the Urantia Book (that Sadler wrote the book is my opinion, while I can not state is as fact without being insulting to my friends who believe otherwise as well as the rest of this sentence), to which authorship he attributed to angels. Speculation is that it was written by one of his psychiatric patients under a drug coma, but I suspect Sadler just made the whole thing up.
To anyone my opinion conflicts with I post this very interesting other explanation- especially in regards to Urantian Allen Rice's involvement with multiple radio antennae:
"The Urantia Book, transmitted, we are told, by the angels in the early years of the last century, because accurate information was apparently so badly needed, presents a rather different point of view. They tell us that these “gods and goddesses” were very real indeed. Except they weren’t divine. They were, according to the book, a group of beings, neither human nor angel, but as the Urantia Book calls them, Midway Creatures, or more colloquially, Midwayers, since they are said to inhabit the frequencies midway between mortals and the angelic realms. "
This I got from
  • Timothy Wyllie's blog, which goes on for quite a bit about radiowaves and human and dolphin mental waves and such

  • In John Mulholland's book "Beware of Familiar Spirits", he wrote: I took a train to Whitesone landing in Long Island, where I was a guest at the home of Howard Thurston, the foremost of American magicians, and one of my old friends. At his pleasant house in Beachhearst, I spent a happy afternoon; and for hours after Mrs. Thurston had gone to bed, he and I sat over whisky sodas and talked, as only two men who like each other can talk, endlessly and quite aimlessly. The next day I left for Boston, and, a few hours later, I received a special delivery letter from Thurston. He said: “All the time that we were talking, a plan was forming in my mind. I believe that you are the ideal manager for my show. The season opens four weeks from now. Why not come back to New York at once and start to work?” Well Leowin was right, not only about the offer, but also in his gratuitous advice. It would have greatly changed my life if I had taken that job.
    Other black magic practitioners of interest around the Stargate/MKULTRA agenda include:

    Alesteire Crowley;

    Stan Grof;

    Harry Houdini (an intel friend of Alesteire Crowley in m15, Scotland yard);

    Uri Geller;

    Angeles Arrien;

    Tim Leary (I must mention specifically- to the end of this entry and aside from his many atrocities which I find disdainful, that he and his pal Ralph Metzner claim LSD to be a sacrament. I believe the Catholic phrase is "Hoc Est Corpus", "for this is the body [of Christ]" while partaking of the Orthodox sacrament being travestied by Leary and Metzner [and I haven't yet looked, but this is definitely in the vein of Crowley, their predecessor]. See the definitions of "hocus", as in Hocus Pocus- a trickster's take on the Latin "Hoc Est Corpus", I posted at the bottom of this page.)**

    Fred Allen Wolf;

    Courtney Brown;

    Joan Halifax (for her work on Hex Death used by Russell Targ in his book "Mind Wars");

    Byron Belitsos;

    Allen Rice;

    collectively, the United Religions Initiative;

    etc., etc.

    ' "Harry Houdini died on Halloween day, 1926, purportedly of an attack of appendicitis precipitated by a blow to the stomach. The problem with that story, however, is that medical science now recognizes it to be an impossibility. According to a recent book about the famed illusionist (The Secret Life of Houdini, by William Kalush and Larry Sloman), Houdini was likely murdered by poisoning. Questions have been raised, the book notes, by the curious lack of an autopsy, an “experimental serum” that Houdini was apparently given in the hospital, and indications that his wife, Bess, may have been poisoned as well (though she survived). On March 23, 2007, an exhumation of Houdini’s remains was formally requested by his surviving family members." (source)

    Even more intriguing, is the revelation that Henry Houdini was an "Intelligence Asset":

    What the book does do, however, is compellingly document that Houdini was, in fact, an intelligence asset who used his magic act as a cover. Not only did the authors obtain corroborating documentation from Scotland Yard, they also received an endorsement of their claim from no less an authority than John McLaughlin, former Acting Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (ibid)'
    Regarding the above information I find it mentionable that Houdini was possibly drugged to death on Halloween- indicating a potential satanic act as per the definition of Satanism below***

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*I looked in the online version of the Oxford English Dictionary for the word "Black Ops/ black operation" but it was not listed.... interestingly the closest word was "black out". Friends who are unaware of the large movement within intelligence of literal black magic practitioners seem to concur the "black" simply infers "secret". So by common usage, that is what the word means. However, when perusing the definitions of "black" as an adjective in the Oxford English Dictionary for myself, I have reached secondary definitions applicable to the black works of Mr. Crowley, Urantia, MK-Ultra and Operation Stargate (really seems to just be the new name for MK-ULTRA when you look at the data in sum full), I am going for Black Ops with the definition of "Intelligence Operations which are unclean", which are: Foul, iniquitous, atrocious, horribly wicked, which are: Indicating disgrace, censure, liability to punishment, etc.


    1. trans. To play a trick upon, ‘take in’, hoax.

    1675 R. HEAD Proteus Rediv. 322 The Mercer cries, Was ever Man so Hocuss'd? however, I have enough to maintain me here. a1686 NALSON (T.), One of the greatest pieces of legerdemain, with which these jugglers hocus the vulgar and incautelous of the present age. 1847 DISRAELI Tancred VI. v, There is nothing..I so revel in as hocussing Guizot and Aberdeen. 1883 LD. R. GOWER My Remin. I. 368 These people have been hocussed and cheated by the Government.

    2. To stupefy with drugs, esp. for a criminal purpose; hence, to drug (liquor).

    1831 in Ann. Reg., Law Cases (1832) 321/2 [A witness] saw May put some gin into Bishop's tea. He said, ‘Are you going to hocus (or Burke) me?’ 1837 DICKENS Pickw. xiii, ‘What do you mean by “hocussing” brandy-and water?’..‘Puttin' laud'num in it’, replied Sam. 1848 THACKERAY Van. Fair lxiv, It was at her house at Lausanne that he was hocussed at supper and lost eight hundred pounds to Major Loader. 1885 J. GRANT Royal Highlanders (Rtldg.) 154 By unfair play he had rooked many: he had hocussed horses. 1887 BESANT The World went etc. xviii. 148 You shall hocus his drink and put him on board.

    Hence {sm}hocussed ppl. a., {sm}hocussing vbl. n.; also {sm}hocusser, one who hocusses.

    1827-39 DE QUINCEY Murder Postscr. Wks. IV. 107 The landlord..they intended to disable by a trick then newly introduced amongst robbers, and termed hocussing. 1862 MAYHEW Lond. Labour IV. 31 The ‘Drummer’ plunders by stupefaction; as the ‘hocusser’. 1865 DICKENS Mut. Fr. II. xii, I will not say a hocussed wine. 1892 MIDDLETON Rome II. 53 The bribing of jockeys and the ‘hocussing’ of horses and their drivers were familiar to the ancient Romans.

    Confer with the Oxford yourself here: http://dictionary.oed.com/cgi/entry/50022922?query_type=word&queryword=black&first=1&max_to_show=10&sort_type=alpha&result_place=3&search_id=UOnp-4Sm0tz-8983&hilite=50022922

    ***Sa·tan·ism (sāt'n iz′əm)


    worship of Satan; esp., the principles and rites of a cult which travesties Christian ceremonies


    Furchizedek said...

    Raul wrote:
    "...before Sadler wrote the Urantia Book, to which authorship he attributed to angels."

    I guess it's true what Paul Simon said in "The Boxer":

    "Still a man hears what he wants to hear
    And disregards the rest..."


    Raul said...

    I am totally open to correction Norm- do tell!

    Raul said...

    To be specific- it isn't what I heard. It is the honest impression I got when I looked at an original print of the Urantia book and the chapters were all written by space alien angels (I would hope you could understand how I came to this, as insulting as I have been- I apologize but don't yet know what precisely for).... let me see if I can reference the names here....
    But please explain yourself! And by all means.

    Raul said...

    Ah gee- I couldn't find the table of contents online. So I am just taking this bit out of the intro- surely it affirms what I am saying here: P1:5, 0:0.5 Your world, Urantia, is one of many similar inhabited planets which comprise the local universe of Nebadon. This universe, together with similar creations, makes up the superuniverse of Orvonton, from whose capital, Uversa, our commission hails. Orvonton is one of the seven evolutionary superuniverses of time and space which circle the never-beginning, never-ending creation of divine perfection -- the central universe of Havona. At the heart of this eternal and central universe is the stationary Isle of Paradise, the geographic center of infinity and the dwelling place of the eternal God.

    P1:6, 0:0.6 The seven evolving superuniverses in association with the central and divine universe, we commonly refer to as the grand universe; these are the now organized and inhabited creations. They are all a part of the master universe, which also embraces the uninhabited but mobilizing universes of outer space.

    Furchizedek said...

    Hi Raul,

    I guess it's the categorical nature of your statements that bothers me. You cannot possibly KNOW that "Sadler wrote the Urantia Book" and that he then attributed the authorship to angels. If you can't possibly know it, how can you state it as if it's a fact? That's not right. Anyway, I was wondering if you'd be interested in a Yahoo group I have called FreeUrantia. There's probably only a half dozen of us active but the group's been around for a long time. You could come on and mix it up with us a bit, ask questions, try to stump us. A while back we had our first non-Urantian experience when some Christian guy from England came on the group and started ranting about the racial material in TUB (The Urantia Book). Anyway, if you'd care to stop by, the group is here:

    Take care, and maybe I'll see you on FreeUrantia. It's an open group, you don't need to pass any moderator tests to join, and you can read any of the messages, joined or not. I will tell them that I have invited you.


    Raul said...

    Thank you for the kind invitation Norm. I appreciate you and yopur contributions to the information VERY much!

    Raul said...

    And now I apologize for my statement much more clearly since I undestand that I HAVE indeed done wrong by putting out my opinion as fact. I shall directly go back and state it as my own conclusion. Thanks for speaking!

    Raul said...

    I found this paper on a Urantia site called "ORIGIN OF THE URANTIA PAPERS
    How were the Urantia Papers Materialized?"
    In the following paragraph it mentions 3 spies- Thurston (a close friend of CIA's MK-ULTRA Mulholland) Houdini himself, and Sir Hubert Wilkins. Can you see where I am coming from here, Norm?
    And I quote
    "The Urantia Papers were Not Channeled
    106. Sometime around 1930 Dr. Sadler consulted with Harry Houdini and with Howard Thurston, a
    renowned sleight of hand artist who devoted considerable time to exposing fraudulent mediums and
    psychics. He also consulted with Sir Hubert Wilkins, a noted scientist and explorer who investigated
    psychic phenomena in an attempt to understand the unique process of which he was a part."

    Raul said...

    Just found out satanist Alesteire Crowley (who was not just a friend of Houdini, but they were both M15 intel at Scotland Yard) actually wrote a book called "Houdini and Conan Doyle", along with Bernard Ernst. Crowley was President & founder of the American Psychical Institute, had his own radio show in the 1930s/40s. His books are still in publication today.
    This according to: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:HFXjNu_5apsJ:www.abebooks.com/search/an/Aleister%2BCrowley/sgnd/on/sortby/1+%22Houdini%22+%22Crowley&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

    Raul said...

    Many people don't immediately see one of the secret code tie between magicians and MKULTRA. MKULTRA got its name for ultra top secrecy from a secret operation in which the good guys broke the nazi german code. Magicians are of course experts in coded messages and Houdini actually wrote a column in code to send secret communications to agents in the field.