Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Definitions for the recently targeted or curious

Disinformation: (n) 1

Hocus: (n.) Drugged liquor.
(n.) One who cheats or deceives.
(v. t.) To adulterate; to drug; as, liquor is said to be hocused for the purpose of stupefying the drinker.
(v. t.) To deceive or cheat.
(v. t.) To stupefy with drugged liquor.
(This definition is from the 1913 Webster's Dictionary and may be outdated.)

Project Mockingbird: A CIA project about media control- see "The Bird" (KRBS).

ABC's: (this definition is a work in progress meant to educate the little kids of the 21st century to various means of warfare while learning the alphabet)
A- atomic
B- biological
C- chemical
D- drug
E- electronic
F- fists
G- gangs
H- hypnosis
I- information
J- ( journalism?)

MKULTRA: Old CIA op about using hypnosis, electronics and noticeably drugs on people's heads.

Operation Stargate: A newer CIA operation with every sign of being a continuation of MKULTRA and Mockingbird (which see).

Operation Paperclip: Sneaking Nazi war criminals into the US.

HAARP- Big antennae array to heat things up stationed in Alaska. It is real.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Fire in Paradise

Well the down of Paradise is on fire... evacuations and houses burned and such.
Allen Rice, of course, worked closely with the city to install speed bumps on the evacuation road.
Go figure.