Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Round And Round

"Round and Round we go... where we stop nobody knows" I forget the author

Well I've been looking into the whole Urantia thingy online and it seems all the attention is on Byron Belitsos. Well I decided to crack open a different line of research into Allen Rice, the Urantian from Paradise CA who is part of the Urantia take over the world plot.
So I started surfing and surfing and collecting information. At first it was all strange and startling.... perhaps unnerving. So I took a little break- bad idea. All that information spinning around in the world wide bowl seemed to be on the rise, you know. I figured it would all come out in the end. But then the water level started sinking rapidly- whoops! There goes the Urantiagate website shooting out the bottom of the hole. So I figure I'll take up Alex Constantine's tact and speak up before we all get wiped off the big map. Well Here I am sitting at the bottom of Davy Jones' locker watching the information spin round and round over my head. Where do I start. I guess I'll try to keep it simple. So here goes:

Allen Rice is a Urantian angel channeler who uses the medium (pseudonym) "Benjamin."
He is one of the cofounders of KRBS (a so-called "community interest" group in Oroville established and funded by various channels by Ford Foundation for its blatantly obvious hidden agendas. Hmmm. I guess this is where you take the valerian or whatever chills you out, cuz it aint really so cool as all that.

Anywho- one of the programs on KRBS (AKA "The Bird") is the "New Dimensions" Radio program. They push the likes of Belitsos and his various Esalen palsies, notably the LSD pushers- Metzner, Arriens, Fred Allen Wolf: Stanislav Grof's palsies. See now- I said I would keep it simple and already I named like all these guys you may not know. Let me try to simplify all that. They drop acid and say it's spiritual. They say it's for world peace. They say it's a sacrament.... like their old pal Timothy Leary said. Simple question "Is dropping acid a 'sacrament' or perhaps a travesty of a sacrament?" (you know- as in Satanism). Your call, dude. All I can say is it's all funny til people start getting sacrificed. OK- cancel the chill pill. I'll leave that part out for now.

So I read Urantiagate (which just got yanked off the web this month) and I say- well that all looks real familiar- the LSD, the "voices of the angels," the radio disinformation, the suicidal weirdness, the brain wipe, the weapons, the dead people. I'll be doggoned if there doesn't appear to be some weird operation going on in Oroville!

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