Friday, October 22, 2010

Racist Urantia Eugenics Panel now exterminating inferior strains of humans

Urantia now has a real Eugenics Panel. On it are a mess of interesting folk, including:

"Kermit Anderson, M.Ed., M.A.: Kermit, a long time reader of the UB, is the Genetic Screening Program Director at Kaiser Permenente. He assisted on the Chromosome Count Report has worked with Charles Olivea on race and eugenics scholarship." (quoted from the Urantia Eugenics Panel bios)

Below is the metaphysical premise that race governs spiritual potential. This is a wildly racist comment. As I have shown above, Olivea has worked with Anderson (head of Kaiser Permanente's genetic screening department). They are a couple of f^&*^%g psychopaths actively working to eliminate the undesireable humans. THEY ARE URANTIANS FOR GOD'S SAKE! A glaringly obvious fact is how white this whole trip is. A black would have to be a total sellout to their people to be involved in this. That of course would be the logical direction to present this racist ideology to the world- hire a "negroid" I believe Dr. Sadler called them.
Maybe Stockholm Syndrome?

They are trying to navigate the problems of presenting The Urantia Book- which is inherently dangerous in its racist message alone- to a mixed race world.
And I quote from the horses mouth on Olivea's premise:

"race is a biological
governor permitting various potentials of body, mind, and
Actually, no- what he is defining here is "racism," not race. I THINK race is just like what color you are.