Take into account the 580 shooter's target the other day and maybe this will fill in the sketch a little better for you:
David Josephson writes: "You touched on an area that I actually have quite some experience with. I started and for several years ran the military magnetics division of the company that makes the current ferrous ordnance locator for the Navy (both the land portable and diver-held versions) and for ten years before that ran the airborne magnetic survey systems group of the same company. The magnetic signature of any long weapon you cache will be at least as large as that of the pipe, so if you are concerned about magnetic detection of caches, you have a separate and very big problem. Likewise the conductivity anomaly of a plastic pipe buried in more or less conductive soil will be detectable with most ground penetrating radars even if the pipe is empty. The barrel of any weapon, or a cache of ammo, will have a major conductivity anomaly even if nonferrous and will be detectable to substantial ranges with a normal hobbyist metal detector."
Also this on another of the stations founders, AKA Pete Tridish (so named after a bacteria culture):
"Dylan Wrynn (aka "Pete Tri Dish") is a revolutionary figure who once beamed an illegal FM signal right into the FCC offices in DC"
quoted from following article:
Also of interest to the David Josephson being KRBS antennae engineer is the name "Brian David Josephson". The obvious question is are they father and son- what with all the similarities. Or perhaps is that really the engineers name, what with all the AKA's flying around the Bird. Brian David Josephson is a Nobel Laureate (we know these days that fascist military people get Nobels all the time- not to discredit everyone who gets a Nobel). He is a comrade of Andrija Puharich (which seein regards to Operation Stargate) and is largely quoted by the type of brain wave research Operation Stargate has led to. He has his ESP theories which lead to people with electrodes all over their heads goofing with their brain waves trying to become psychic (or brainwiped). The Grof crowd. This is a very important question.